Tuesday, January 23, 2018

WebDesign: Berners-Lee and the World-Wide Web (W3-P1) [VID] Sp18

Let’s pick up where we left off last time.  Let’s learn about the beginnings of the World-Wide Web.  This, in turn, will lead us nicely into understanding how to design a website.

The World Wide Web: Crash Course

We’ll first get an introduction to the World-Wide Web and then learn how Berners-Lee fits into the story.

The world wide web  “... is not the same thing as the Internet even though people often use the two terms interchangeably.  The world wide web runs on top of the Internet in the same way that Skype, Minecraft or Instagram do.  The Internet is the underlying plumbing that carries the data for all these different applications and the world wide web is the biggest of them all, a huge distributed application running on millions of servers worldwide accessed using a special program called a web browser.”

Another way to put this: The Internet is the hardware.  The web is software.  [This is not a definition.  It is just a point to make a distinction between the Internet and the Web.]

Hyperlinks: “ text or images that you can click and they jump you to another page.“

Hyperlinks were first conceptualized by Vannevar Bush in 1945, but not implemented on the Internet until 1990.

“Hypertext web pages are the most common type of hypertext document.  Today they're retrieved and rendered by web browsers…”

“Each hypertext page needs a unique address on the web this is specified by a Uniform Resource locator or URL…”

The URL for hyperlink above is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperlink.  It is the address for where the browser will take you when you click on the hyperlink.

Web browser:  “the application on your computer that lets you talk of all of these web servers browsers not only request pages of media but also render the content that's being returned.”

“The first web browser and web server was written by now Sir Tim Berners-Lee … at the time he was working at CERN in Switzerland.  To pull this feat off he simultaneously created several of the fundamental web standards we discussed today URLs, HTML and HTTP …” 

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